Twinkled T & Clear The Shelters Day

Posted by Lana Mushamel on

We did it! Together, we have all made a difference for the animals!! In honor of #CLEARTHESHELTERS day, we held a two day 20% off Twinkled T sale. Today, my sister and I have donated $550.00 to LA Animal Services' Star Program to help provide medical assistance and supplies to neglected and abused animals!

18,680 animals were adopted in over 400 shelters across America. Can you believe it? It brings me tears of joy!! We're so happy our donation can help provide assistance to the animals who weren't able to get adopted or have proper medical treatment ?. Thank you for your orders this weekend. This couldn't be done without you. You are incredible!


Twinkled T & Clear The Shelters Day  Twinkled T & Clear The Shelters Day  Twinkled T & Clear The Shelters Day

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  • I realise this is an older post but as a new customer of TwinkledT i have to say how pleased I am as an absolute animal lover that you have supported these beautiful creatures in need of our help. God bless you 💕

    Tandy Treseder on

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